Leen Titeca

Leen Titeca

SE practitioner

Molenstraat 14





Leen Titeca is een ervaren en gediplomeerd lichaamsgericht psychotherapeut en psychoanalytisch psychotherapeut. Sinds 2002 werkt zij als psychomotorisch therapeut in het psychiatrisch centrum Karus te Melle. Zij combineerde dit werk met een studie creatieve dans- en bewegingstherapie aan de Artevelde Hogeschool te Gent. Verder behaalde ze haar getuigschrift tot psychoanalytisch psychotherapeut aan de universiteit van Gent.

Als gecertificeerd somatic experiencing practitioner (Peter Levine), somato psychopedagoog (Danny Bois / PXL Hasselt) en SOMA embodiment practitioner i.o. (Sonia Gomez) specialiseert zij zich steeds verder in het lichaamsgericht werk bij mensen met psychosomatiek en trauma. Zo volgde zij het Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga Certification Program (TCTSY), het volledige aanbod aan basis- en advanced cursussen en verdiepingsmodules Experiential Bodywork® (EBW®)/Joeri Calsius), &  de opleiding tot TRE-provider (Tension Release Excercises) bij Dialoogplus.

Leen Titeca is sinds 2013 lid van de vakgroep dans- en bewegingstherapie als onderdeel van de Belgische vereniging voor creatieve therapie (BVCT-ABAT). Zij is lid van de Belgische vereniging voor psychotherapie (ABP-BVP), lid van EMDR Belgium en is erkend psychotherapeut bij verschillende mutualiteiten. Zij volgt supervisie op regelmatige basis, volgt opleidingen en gaat geregeld naar bijscholingen en conferenties.

Somatic Experiencing Testimonials

> experiences of people who previously came into contact with Somatic Experiencing

"I struggled with anxiety and hypervigilance after a violent robbery. Somatic Experiencing taught me how to regulate my nervous system and feel safer in my own body. I have regained my self-confidence and can now enjoy everyday life without constant fear ."
"I struggled with anxiety and hypervigilance after a violent robbery. Somatic Experiencing taught me how to regulate my nervous system and feel safer in my own body. I have regained my self-confidence and can now enjoy everyday life without constant fear ."
"After years of emotional suppression and disassociation, Somatic Experiencing has helped me reconnect with my body and emotions. I now feel more in touch with myself, more alive and able to express my emotions in a healthy way."
"After years of emotional suppression and disassociation, Somatic Experiencing has helped me reconnect with my body and emotions. I now feel more in touch with myself, more alive and able to express my emotions in a healthy way."
"I suffered from chronic pain after a prolonged period of stress and trauma. Somatic Experiencing helped me to recognize and reduce the tension and blockages in my body. I now experience more relaxation and suffer less from pain complaints."
"I suffered from chronic pain after a prolonged period of stress and trauma. Somatic Experiencing helped me to recognize and reduce the tension and blockages in my body. I now experience more relaxation and suffer less from pain complaints."
"I previously suffered from recurring nightmares and sleep problems after a car accident. Thanks to Somatic Experiencing, I have been able to reduce the intense tension and anxiety I was holding in my body. My sleep has improved and I feel more and more awake my comfort while driving."
"I previously suffered from recurring nightmares and sleep problems after a car accident. Thanks to Somatic Experiencing, I have been able to reduce the intense tension and anxiety I was holding in my body. My sleep has improved and I feel more and more awake my comfort while driving."
"I suffered from chronic anxiety and panic attacks after a traumatic event. Somatic Experiencing helped me release stored tension in my body and calm my nervous system. I now feel stronger, more resilient and more balanced."
"I suffered from chronic anxiety and panic attacks after a traumatic event. Somatic Experiencing helped me release stored tension in my body and calm my nervous system. I now feel stronger, more resilient and more balanced."

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