Griet Buysse

Griet Buysse

SE in opleiding

Oude Diestsestraat 16





Mensen kunnen omwille van diverse redenen vastlopen in het leven. Soms is het duidelijk wat er gaande is, soms ook helemaal niet. Dit vastlopen kan zich uiten via diverse klachten zoals een ontregeld of overprikkeld zenuwstelsel dat zich toont in angst, overweldigd worden door emoties, burn-out, depressiviteit, niet-voelen, slaapmoeilijkheden, fysieke klachten,… maar ook relationele problemen, moeilijk contact maken met jezelf en/of met anderen of een algemeen gevoel van onbehagen. Met jouw belevingswereld als uitgangspunt wil ik met dit vastlopen aan de slag gaan op een cliëntgerichte manier.

Ik ontmoet je als mens in je totaliteit, met aandacht voor lichaam, geest, emoties en ziel en neem jouw unieke belevingswereld als uitgangspunt voor de therapie. Zowel voelen en ervaren (inclusief ‘de wijsheid van het lichaam’) als inzicht en betekenisverlening zijn belangrijke pijlers om iets in jezelf opnieuw in beweging te brengen.

Ik geloof in de therapeutische relatie als hefboom tot verandering. Ik heb een empathische, zachte manier van werken zonder confrontatie te schuwen en met de nodige portie humor. We lopen onze grootste wonden op in relatie tot anderen. Er is verbinding nodig om te kunnen helen.

Ik ben opgeleid in cliëntgerichte psychotherapie, loopbaancoaching, somatic experiencing® en verbindende communicatie.

Somatic Experiencing Testimonials

> experiences of people who previously came into contact with Somatic Experiencing

"I struggled with anxiety and hypervigilance after a violent robbery. Somatic Experiencing taught me how to regulate my nervous system and feel safer in my own body. I have regained my self-confidence and can now enjoy everyday life without constant fear ."
"I struggled with anxiety and hypervigilance after a violent robbery. Somatic Experiencing taught me how to regulate my nervous system and feel safer in my own body. I have regained my self-confidence and can now enjoy everyday life without constant fear ."
"After years of emotional suppression and disassociation, Somatic Experiencing has helped me reconnect with my body and emotions. I now feel more in touch with myself, more alive and able to express my emotions in a healthy way."
"After years of emotional suppression and disassociation, Somatic Experiencing has helped me reconnect with my body and emotions. I now feel more in touch with myself, more alive and able to express my emotions in a healthy way."
"I suffered from chronic pain after a prolonged period of stress and trauma. Somatic Experiencing helped me to recognize and reduce the tension and blockages in my body. I now experience more relaxation and suffer less from pain complaints."
"I suffered from chronic pain after a prolonged period of stress and trauma. Somatic Experiencing helped me to recognize and reduce the tension and blockages in my body. I now experience more relaxation and suffer less from pain complaints."
"I previously suffered from recurring nightmares and sleep problems after a car accident. Thanks to Somatic Experiencing, I have been able to reduce the intense tension and anxiety I was holding in my body. My sleep has improved and I feel more and more awake my comfort while driving."
"I previously suffered from recurring nightmares and sleep problems after a car accident. Thanks to Somatic Experiencing, I have been able to reduce the intense tension and anxiety I was holding in my body. My sleep has improved and I feel more and more awake my comfort while driving."
"I suffered from chronic anxiety and panic attacks after a traumatic event. Somatic Experiencing helped me release stored tension in my body and calm my nervous system. I now feel stronger, more resilient and more balanced."
"I suffered from chronic anxiety and panic attacks after a traumatic event. Somatic Experiencing helped me release stored tension in my body and calm my nervous system. I now feel stronger, more resilient and more balanced."

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